De Telegraaf
MEJOR Technologies helped an Australian farmer assess wildfire risk for land purchases by providing high-resolution wildfire risk maps using LUCI's advanced analysis. This data-driven approach identified vulnerable areas, reducing potential losses by millions of Australian dollars and supporting better land investment decisions.
Key Results:
Advised the client on optimal land purchases by providing data-driven insights.
Utilised LUCI's multi-year analysis capabilities to demonstrate changes in risk and risk development, enhancing the client's decision-making process.
Provided wildfire risk maps with 10 x 10Â meters resolution.
Limited the risk of losses due to wildfires potentially by millions of Australian Dollars yearly.
Evaluating Wildfire Risk: A Critical Consideration for Australian Farmers
As a farmer in Australia, the threat of wildfires is a crucial factor to consider when managing your land. Australia is well known for its 2019-2020 bushfires that burned up to 19 million hectares of land. (WWF)
Understanding the wildfire risk on your property is essential for safeguarding your investment. This is especially true when considering expansion to a new area through purchase or renting, where assessing wildfire susceptibility can help mitigate risks and ensure informed decision-making, ultimately saving money.
Nick Diamantopoulos, founder of Australian Garlic, faced this exact challenge. When evaluating two potential regions of land, his primary question was: how susceptible is the land to wildfires?
Assessing Wildfire Risk with Advanced Mapping and Data Analysis
To address Nick's concern, MEJOR Technologies provided wildfire risk maps using LUCI for the two regions he wanted to expand to. LUCI´s machine learning algorithm analysed wildfire patterns from the past two to three-year fire seasons to identify wildfire trends and better understand the risks.
For both regions, MEJOR Technologies` solution LUCI created Wildfire Susceptibility Maps, highlighting whether the land was vulnerable to wildfires and if so where is it susceptible.
A snippet of the Key Insights and Recommendations from MEJOR:

Avoid High-Risk Areas​
Northern Parts: Higher fire susceptibility makes these areas less advisable for new farms to minimise wildfire risks.​
LUCI - Localised Understanding for Combatting Ignition
LUCI is a wildfire risk map. LUCI leverages ERA5 climate data, along with topographic, anthropogenic vegetation, and other environmental data, to enhance predictive capabilities.
Want to know where to expand your business whilst avoiding the risk of wildfire? Contact us now!
WWF-Australia. (n.d.). In-depth: Australian bushfires. WWF Australia. Retrieved October 11, 2024, from https://wwf.org.au/what-we-do/australian-bushfires/in-depth-australian-bushfires/Â